Experience with installation, administration, SQL queries, and software interfaces to access underlying data in relational and NoSQL database systems that include MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Microsoft SQL Server, and FileMaker.
Representative examples:
Full installation and command-line access to data with MySQL, PostgreSQL, and MongoDB
MySQL - interface to access data written in Python, Java, and C
PostgreSQL - interface access through Python
MongoDB - interface access through Python, C++, and NodeJS
MySQL and PostgreSQL databases were installed on a Linux server with network access
LAMP (Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP) projects available through private hosting and Amazon AWS EC2 virtual cloud
Apple FileMaker on a local network with user accounts to manipulate particular files
Legal case management using FileMaker to organize text, photographs, and multimedia files on private network
Web services through iOS and Android apps based on JSON access to Internet-based MySQL databases
HTML and PHP access to a MySQL database through a web interface and user log-in
Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) application connected to a MySQL database with a graphical interface
Enterprise Java applications running MySQL on a Tomcat web server
Oracle software with full-range of advanced SQL queries
Oracle Data Modeler to design data models and diagrams for intellectual property and real estate projects
Microsoft SQL Server for a database of real estate listings and sales